WILDWORDWOODS!!!! Oh I’m in love. Heading over to your link now.

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Woah. I had no idea! And now imagine how differently we might express/connect/understand if only our language were rooted (and mycelium enriched) by the Mother.

Have you read Ocean Vuong? English isn’t his first language, but through his visceral tongue (Vietnamese) his English blooms and sings like no other.

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Indeed! But our language is alive. Words are our symbionts (as suggested by some inspired Dutch linguists in the 1950s). So it's up to us to enrich them. What happened to our language is not so much different to what happened in industrial agriculture.... We can nurture our mothersoil and grow organic wild words (which is exactly what Symbiopædia is for ~ a wildwordwoods for the cultivation of a new language for the Symbiocene)


No, I don't know Ocean Vuong ~ yet. I'll check him out. Thank you so much for the recommendation 💕🙏

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Wow, this is amazing and I never knew! Thank you so much for sharing. 🙏❤️

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