Excellent essay and highly informative on so many levels. Outdated scientific ideas, such as survival of the fittest and the duality of mind-body hang on, I think, because most of the scientific comminity still see it as valid. What is especially threatening to the medical communuty is the holistic approach to our minds and body and our increasing understanding of human and non-human animal consciousness.

This is an evolving field with a lot of exciting areas of research happening, increasing our understanding of, among other matters, how our mind works. Suffice to say, the computer model hardy explains it.

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Mar 13Liked by Veronika Bond

Wow! This is amazing, and packed so full of information—it’s practically flooding the page! Your writing is stunning, intriguing and thought provoking! Thanks for sharing this!

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Thank you for this beautiful piece of writing! I am always amazed how you craft your essays, it reads like poetry. We see the world how we are. Our beliefs are so deeply intertwined with who we think we are that we are feeling naked when we strip them down to the core of our essence. Some people are using fear to control others, or their own fear is so big that it spills over and destroys worlds. All the more it is important to turn towards Love. I think old theories live on because we carry those ancestral beliefs and only when we consciously approach them they can be shifted. The nervous system plays an important part as our bodies are trying to keep us in the same patterns (Joe Dispenza has interesting stuff on that). We often are caught up in a cycle of beliefs, body reactions, thoughts and habits. I hope your essays will find their way into a book one day. 🙏💕

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As I've long said (slightly tongue in cheek, but only very slightly), the history of science is the history of failed theories -- and that's science's own self-definition of how it 'progresses'. The reasons why long-disproven scientific theories still have traction ages after they have been officially invalidated (even by scientists themselves), is that during their heyday "The Science" is taken as an (eternal) truth and becomes embedded in academic curricula, political policy-making, 'popular science' writings, film, novels ... and culture generally. By which time certain vested interests have tapped into the current 'scientifically backed' gravy-train - and from there the love of money trumps all.

There's more as to why good ideas (in their era) become bad ideologies, which would mean charting how ideologies grow and take root, why idols engender role-reversals promoting fear, and how means and ends (which are one thing) become split apart giving us non-logical statements such as "the ends justify the means" -- but all that's for another time and place.

Meanwhile, another wonderful article my sweetie -- you keep writing, we'll keep talking, and I'll keep chopping wood and carrying water. 💜

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Mar 14Liked by Veronika Bond

When I think of theatre, I think of make-believe. You suspend reality for the performance, and if it's really good, you get lost in it.

I have to be reminded of the other kind of theatres as there's nothing make-believe about war or operating, but there is a kind of "play" going on. Playing god. Messing about.

This is not to say I'm not in awe and gratitude for the advances in medicine, it's just interesting how the word 'theatre' evolved.

Theory as spectacle (and I certainly don't remember it being taught this way) does put a spin on worldviews, doesn't it? Reminds you to be the observer in a world very busy participating.

Thank you, Veronika for such a thought-provoking post - with fantastic quotes, from Buckminster Fuller, who has an excellent name ;)

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Thank you. Another great read! You always leave me walking away in contemplation. It takes years for new evidence to get seen and gain the momentum to overcome a theory. Even an outdated one whose time has passed. Theory has also become a theatre in the cult of hollywoodish performance. Imitation the new religion in a dualistic race to the bottom. Reacting vs creating on screens that never reflect our soul. We are in the world and it is in us. Time to see through our hearts not just our eyes. 🙏❤️

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