Thank you for this piece, Veronika. I am a kindrovert. I love small groups of people having passionate discussion filled with bouts of laughter. I have always been curious about people, but I am not interested in being the centre of attention. One of the reasons I loved journalism is I got to ask questions.

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I thought you might be, Perry. Kindroverts recognise each other quietly from afar...

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Wanting to ask and laugh... healthy signs Bro

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I felt this to be a very empowering post - especially with the list of characteristics of kindroverts - it feels like (and additionally so from the other comments too) that a new, vital and powerful community is being born. If the world is ever to change for the better, it will certainly be from the bottom up. Perhaps the hour has come for kindroverts to make their contribution.

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Doesn't it just show the power of language?!

For the list of characteristics we have to thank Beth Kempton!


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thank you so much for sharing 💕🙏

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May 22Liked by Veronika Bond

Wow! I’m resonating with all this and love the new word kindrovert. On the Myers Briggs I test as an INFJ but close to the middle. Now it makes sense!! Way back in 2003 I coined a term Emotikin for my wooden art manikin that kindles my creativity. I recently read about “kinning” in the book series Kinship. Thanks so much for this post and all your word play, Veronika. I look forward to more! Here’s to finding kindred spirits. :)

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Lovely! Emotikin is such a great name. And the idea of kinning is a most attractive one for me too.

Indeed, finding kindred spirits is precious. Your posts look intriguing, I'm off to seeking and discovering what might jump out at me over there...

+ look forward to more kinning with you 💗🙏

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So crazy that all the people I truly connect with are showing up in the same place! Shelly @couragewriters is a gift. Just back from 2 weeks on the outer isles of Scotland just connecting to source. Will dive into all of this writing now and release some of my own! 🙏❤️

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Welcome back Jamie 💖

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May 23Liked by Veronika Bond

Hi Jamie! Your time in Scotland sounds wonderful. I’m happy to have found this circle!! 🤗

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May 22Liked by Veronika Bond

So happy to be connecting with you. I feel the same about your rich Substack archives.:)

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I first did Myers Briggs in my late 20s (INFP, with extreme 'I') - did it again 10 years later, still INFP but less extreme on the 'I' scale. It made me think that as one matures one moves to middle ground - but now with 'Kindrovert' I see it more as 'third ground' - (I like being on stage occasionally too).

You mention wooden art manikins & creativity - does that mean you make sculptures? (I ask merely because I make occasional figure sculptures and am considering a new project - am always on the look-out to learn something & be inspired by others' creative work).

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May 22Liked by Veronika Bond

Hi Joshua, The "third ground" makes sense to me too. I do think we keep becoming more of our true Selves as life goes on. I used to dread being on stage, but now I'm more comfortable --- probably when the audience feels like kindred spirits and I'm sharing meaningful ideas.

Here is my website with Emotikin - with posts from playing with my inner artist out in the world. I like to call it 'metaphortography". Posing the manikin for pics has become "supposing" -- posing reflective questions in the Supposing oracle deck. https://emotikin.com/ Thanks for asking! How awesome that you make figure sculptures!

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I absolutely loved looking through your website - such creative work with the manikins in Nature, and creating those cards. This has inspired me to move forward again with a project I've been holding for many years -- to make a circle of the eight "Keepers of Integrity" from Veronika's work on Synchronosophy (her other substack work). My sculptures are over 3m tall and we're hoping to buy some land nearby the house to do this sacred circle, and maybe another one of my geodesic dome greenhouses. Thank you so much.

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May 22Liked by Veronika Bond

Wow! Thank you. I can hardly wait for the 8 Keepers of Integrity to take form! I'll stay tuned! Here's to your creativity!

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O.K -- I've said it and put it out. "Freedom is the option of one" as Veronika and I often say. When you have the clarity to deeply know what you've got to do, it's the "Council of Inner Wisdom" (aka Keepers) get aligned and all lean in the same direction. I've got to do it now :))

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May 23Liked by Veronika Bond

Beautiful alignment. As my dad often says “Keep on keepin’ on!”

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"Nurturing each other and ourselves, we nurture symbiogenesis."

I feel as though I stumbled into a place I have been looking for but wasn't expecting to find 🌼

Love reading your article Veronika. It resonates on every level. I look forward to learning more 🌷

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Wonderful! Welcome to the wild word woods of Symbiopædia 🌲🧚🏽🌳🪶

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Thank you 💚 🌲🧚🏽🌳🪶

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Stumbliogenesis ?

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"Stumbliogenesis?" -- perhaps officlly known as "The Science of Muddling Through"?

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Maybe one of those cases where the Science is also an Artform ?

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Such a great word 💚


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Thankyou Janet, there's a hole in my head where new words slip in....

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Ha ha

So wonderful...

Look forward to more words 🌷

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My Stackfingers love giving them away ! Ensures the Inboxhole doesn’t get Babblesilted up….

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You are hilarious!!

You made my day - I was feeling discombobulated - but after having a good laugh- I feel amazing!

Please ensure that your... don't get 'Babblesilted' up. 😂

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May 24Liked by Veronika Bond

Finally, the right word comes along! 😍 The best description I heard prior to this, was one on INFJ ~ something along the lines of 'folks mistake you for an extrovert, but you're really an introvert.' But Jung is right, we're mostly on a spectrum and it does depend on the situation and your feelings for the day.

I definitely resonate with kindrovert. I laughed over 'would rather say nothing than talk about nothing'. I don't mind parties, but yeah, I'm in the corner with one person or a small group. I don't mind deep dives and often folks are taken aback by my directness. I'm not shy, but I'm not gregarious either. Thanks for introducing us to this term! 😊

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I totally resonate with everything you're saying, Lani. Isn't it wonderful how kindroverts gravitate towards and find each other? And finally having a word for how we are really helps 💗🙏

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Wow, you are truly speaking my language! What a gorgeous post! Thank you for writing and sharing it!💕🙏🕊️

p.s. I have to add that I loved Beth's book The Way of the Fearless Writer, but I don't remember reading about Kindroverts, which is why I adore it when writers write about each other's work, as we get to read from a new perspective. good feelings beget good feelings💕🙏🕊️

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I totally agree. It's nice to be able to share and quote the work of well known and established writers. But to share and quote work of fellow substackers that speaks to us opens up a whole new world. I've recently 'woken up' to the possibility to do more of this, and it feels great to do so. It's a powerful way to 💗 nurture the 💗 community we want to 💗 experience.

I was inspired by 💗 YOU to look at Beth's work, and I was inspired by 💗 Beth to write about kindroverts: https://dowhatyouloveforlife.com/are-you-a-kindrovert-too/

This word is Beth's baby. And I felt called to be the wordfairy-godmother 🧚🏽

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Have to say I love that you brought it full circle with a Robin Wall Kimmerer quote too. Beautiful!

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Thank you SO much for sharing this, Veronika! I'm saving this article so I can share it with people in the future. I assume I will be using the word "kindrovert" often going forward. Also, this article was just amazing, there were so many passages I wanted to highlight!

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Thank YOU so much for such great feedback. I agree, the word 'kindrovert' is a great and important addition to my vocabulary too. As an added bonus, anyone who feels like this is most probably a kindrovert themselves! So glad to meet you here 💕🙏

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Very well informed article, Veronica! I agree in that distinction between intro and extroverts laying in where they draw energy from, and I’m glad to hear the idea of something in between, not so extreme in either socialization or isolation! Kindrovert…what a concept!

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May 22·edited May 23Author

Isn't it wonderful? Kindrovert ~ as a concept ~ is truly a self-conception ~ an invitation into conceiving of ourselves as kindred beings (instead of categorising ourselves as either 'extra' or 'intro')

All credit for the creation of this much needed word goes to the brilliant Beth Kempton ~ https://dowhatyouloveforlife.com/are-you-a-kindrovert-too/

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May 22Liked by Veronika Bond

Very helpful post Veronika that reverts many inversions, ex-versions and diversions from 'self', the undivided duality reality of individuality or in other words, that, which is the same and identical, like the pressure in society to totally and permanently identify with a 'one-personality', and its expression in identifying with only one pole of opposites, for instance introvert or extrovert, thereby missing out on the flow of power found on the middle-ground between opposites and what I would like to add is that this middle-ground can be a playground, and when we long to play in free flow on this ground it's good to realize that "the way" of "the kindrovert" is another definition for people to totally identify with, but when we would 'just play' with each other on the middle-ground between intro- and extro, it would be so much more fun... and childlike.

What else came up is that "kin" in Dutch means chin, and the 'chin up; 'stick one's chin out; lead with one's chin; take (it) on the chin; have a chin-wag' is telling a lot about the dynamics involved in 'kin', where in the dialects of Dutch it's also used as 'can' meaning 'what is possible or able', and is a lot used as punishment for children who demand, like 'knock on the chin' means you won't get food, or when parents 'lift a chin with a finger' it means that they demand the child to listen; but a 'stroke under the chin' means somebody flatters you'

And we all know the meaning of 'killing in kindness'....

The word 'kindrovert' in Dutch would translate as 'the kidnapper', which is hilariously in the direction of what I said before, i.e. by identifying with a kindrovert too much, we position ourselves too much and throw the child out with the bathwater 🐣 Cheers to a free flow 💜

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Your wild and wonderful flow of ideas might have taken you down an unexpected plughole. 😅 When we mix and match different languages it always helps to follow the channels of etymology, otherwise such free flow tends to land in a muddy swamp.

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May 22Liked by Veronika Bond

Hahaha! It might plug some holes so that 'we' become whole; yeah, I might be wild and full of wonder when I channel without channels and then someone might get stuck in the mud, but I love mud, like a child I roll over in it, free of charge, but energized 🤗 my vision needs fertile soil 🌹

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Delightful and so revitalising! Keep doing your magical research for those special words and write about them! Looking forward! 😍

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Thank you Katerina! 💗🙏

great feedback. I'll do my best!!

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I consider myself an extroverted introvert, but kindrovert is a much better fit. I prefer a small group of tight knit friends. I am also the one who asks all the questions to get to the bottom of everything. A learner and writer from the heart.

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sounds like a kindrovert to me. Welcome to the kinship clan 💕

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I am ever enchanted when I slip into symbiopædia and this week have enjoyed reflecting on this word that you and Beth Kempton have now so deliciously popularized in Substack culture. I must say, it has had me in the fine web of weaving introvert ~~~ kindrovert ~~~ extrovert and how we make meaning through connection: self ~ kin ~ culture (loosely applied). Thank you for this.

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You're welcome. This one was pure joy to write.

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Such an interesting investigation! I really love the way you break down the language as well as bring together different philosophies.

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Thank you so much Kathleen. I'm having a lot of fun with this, as you can probably tell.

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Beautiful !

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Love your stuff, Veronika. I'm also into Etymology, particularly the ancient part. Do you have a word for someone who mostly sits between Extrovert and Kindrovert, but with happy switches to Inrovert ? How's about Chameliovert ? BTW, my new neighbors know your Geodomes. Bis zu später Sprachorator, Maurice

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Omnivert? You mean that lucky person who manages to be energised in virtually any situation?

Who are your new neighbours?

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Omnivert, near enough. My neighbours are from Porto. They know your place from driving past, but have never met you.

Regarding our previous comms, I'll be searching the French Spanish Border region fairly soon for a place of my own. Peace, Maurice

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Veronika Bond

Good luck with your search for a piece of paradise 'on the border'.

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boa sorte!

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Now that is right up 'my' alley! Revert all the bits and pieces that got inverted... omniverse as verb. Yeah, let's omniverse 💃

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