Thank you so much for this exploration of words! I always found it funny that we use the word unconscious for the physical state of not being aware of this world. I realised again how we need the diversity of descriptions for this inexplicable state in order for many more to have the A-Ha moment. Gary Zukav describes this as multisensory I guess and I simply go with: we are Love and Love is our essence. Yet Love is in the same way like consciousness a word dressed up in lots of different layers of meanings. Lately I am learning that the secret seems to be to feel and experience this world in the moment as Being Conscious in it. I love to play with words too and I realized that this often let's me get stuck in theoretical concepts rather than feeling my way through this journey of life. The desperate outcry of "I know all this but it doesn't seem to apply" has its mere root in that we have to live it as opposed to know it. We have to Now it. 😉

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This was a fascinating read.

I really like how your mind works (or maybe better stated - how it assimilates symbols and patterns within the field and actualizes them coherently into a brand new unique expression).

As you know the true meaning of words is always in their vibrational origin, and we've left out much of their essence in the layers and layers of complexity over the millennia as you've well pointed out.

The ingenius way you are taking the deeper roots of the current language we're using to impart (create) more evolved and symbiotic expression is seen and appreciated.

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Yes. Yes. Yes! Consciousness as a term in english is like love used so many different ways! We are consciousness! Awareness is that knowing. This lens is a threshold to Being. I will bathe in this simply incredible writing that connects the dots! I will read this 100X! Thank you! 🙇🏻‍♂️🙏❤️

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Incomplete? Only because it never could be, but short of that it's an earful. To wrap it all up in one package of us being consciousness and coming from it as different from having consciousness, Brian Swimme is my favorite storyteller of the new creation story we need, post Hubble, where science has shown us we are one humanity, evolving together, and not rugged individualists climbing over one another on a dead rock here for our use. It's a fundamentals premise I write about on my Substack. Here's a good intro: "ONCE UPON A TIME IS NOW for a campaign to change the world/

Everything will change if we adopt the Universe Story": https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/once-upon-a-time-is-now-is-a-campaign.

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I love that dang Carl Jung!

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The idea that we are consciousness (BC), rather than mere 'have' consciousness (hc), has such huge implications. No wonder we need a new language. And you are doing a brilliant job at it.

The notion of 'subduing Nature and making her our slave' (Francis Bacon, 1561-1626) stems from the 'hc' mindset and its destructiveness is now plain for all to see. The momentum of this unholy attitude is deeply structured into our (western) culture, including in its many institutions and the technologies that are developed (or not developed).

In every civilisation that is going through a degenerative phase, there are always those who see clearly and carry forward the seed of new life, a new dawn, a new and better way of living with one another, and on this precious planet of ours. Your work with Synchronosophy and The Symbiopaedia is so much a part of this vital pioneering journey. 💜

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