Feb 28Liked by Veronika Bond

So interesting to learn where Lynn Got her idea...though I think the Indigenous have understood far longer that Gaia is alive and is a self-regulating sentient Mother for us all! The below is the story of how I first heard of her work as a homeschooler - and a few other things. My very first substack post!


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I think a lot of poets are "symbiopoets" by nature which is why, along with others who naturally think symbiopoetically, they often have a hard time living in anthropocene cultures. But I can see through these Substack postings about Symbiogenesis and Symbiopaedia, that a rigorous groundwork is being laid -- and that symbiopoetically-minded people can no longer be easily and disparagingly dismissed as dreamers off with the fairies with their heads in the clouds. They are being given a language, and coherent argumentation, to stand their ground in relation to those with a Baconian mindset. For that, the world at large should be truly grateful; I am.

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Wow, Veronika, you are so right that there is much crossover with your work and mine. What you've written here is remarkable! Thanks to a good friend (whom I also met on Substack) I have recently been studying Gebser and I see so many other through lines with what's going in my world right now. The message I write about over and over again is this move to a more relational way. Your words, maybe especially symbiopoeiesis, offer an incredibly clear structure for this. I feel I'm witnessing genius. Thank you so much for your work!

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This wonderful recounting is wrapped up in the Universe Story that came from Teilhard de Chardin in the last century and got seasoned by Thomas Berry, mentor to Brian Swimme who's my favorite storyteller. That everything is in an evolutionary process instead of there being a fixed universe was confirmed by science, thanks to Hubble, only in the last century. Everything evolved together-- i.e. we are one humanity -- not rugged individualists climbing over each other but sacred creatures (in a sacred universe) who would want to take care of Earth. That's the basis for my Substack and here's an example that lays out the case: "ONCE UPON A TIME IS NOW for a campaign to change the world/Everything will change if we adopt the Universe Story". https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/once-upon-a-time-is-now-is-a-campaign

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Oooh! Symbiopoiesis ~ conscientious engagement in the creative process in synergy with the self-organising life-force! We are all symbiopoets! The poiesis of synergy! We are the poem! Thank you so much for giving me another lens to see the creative poetry of life through. Love this! Thank you Veronika!

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Can I suggest 'symbiopoetic flow' as the closest thing to a verb. Trauma seems to disrupt symbiopoetic flow. Practicing art (in the widest possible sense) seems able to restore it.

Can I invite you to read my post Coalminers' report? Keeping in mind the faculties of consciousness. If only to see how you feel about the described practice in the light of facing trauma....


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no, there isn’t . . . despite what the charlatan, elon musk claims

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