Such a soothing "rootcast," Veronika:"to nurture the process of togethering.".
Your role as a medium between words and the world is very much appreciated. As people who enjoy writing, we hope to nurture our outer world.
I am thinking about how reality shows us the amount of work we do inward and how, as a civilization Anthropocentrists, we end up using "Words with Stolen Identities." The outer world (words and actions) is a reflection of our inner reality.
Krishnamurti points out:
“What you are inwardly will eventually manifest itself outwardly. If you are inwardly violent, aggressive, ambitious, that will project itself in your relationships and in the society you build around you.”
Love this word fairy: Eigen⚘Leben. Thank you for all the magic!
You are putting your finger on a key point here. The relationship between the inner and the outer ~ I consider this the most important life's work anyone can do.
Thank you for this Krishnamurti quote, "If you are inwardly violent, aggressive, ambitious, that will project itself in your relationships and in the society you build around you.” ~ Of course the internal violence etc. won't protect us. It will project itself and PROTECT itself....
Based on this principle we are given access to our own inner world. That's where Eigen⚘Leben lives. She needs our love! Thank you, Katerina 🧚🏽 🙏🩵
(having just taken our last visitor of this season to the bus station, I'm finally off to reading your last post!!)
I completely agree: it's "the most important work anyone can do!" You’ve articulated it just right: “Of course, the internal violence, etc., won’t protect us. It will project itself and PROTECT itself…” Thank you for taking the time to read my work, yet I hope you make space for yourself to work/or just rest on your magic. My articles will be right where they are whenever you have the space and energy for them. 🧚🏽 🙏🩵
Thank you for the reminder of the Krishnamurti quote, Katerina. As someone for whom 70 years old is looming on the horizon, I can also say that one's inner world is also revealed, over time, via the lines one acquires on one's face - which can dark & grumpy, or light & smiley ... :)
Joshua, "one's inner world is also revealed, over time, via the lines one acquires on one's face"—another beautiful and human way to witness alchemization. Cultivating smiles and light is within our reach. Here’s to embracing every stage of our lives with joy, open hearts and even grumpy :)), all emotions are welcomed! Thank you for sharing!
I have enjoyed Krishnamurti's work for a long time. At first, I was a little resistant to his ideas, but over time, through my own experiences and growth, I began to understand what he was referring to.
Thank you for lining up in support :) (and for choosing to follow me). I have a couple of Krishnamurti books I dip into, and like you, some of his ideas make me baulk - but as with every writer/artist, you have to see each output in the context of their overall message, as well as their family heritage, and the era they lived in.
It is amazing to see so many words and meanings hijacked in the Anthropocene. It’s not even the same language that we started with. “Confluence” is symbiogenesis. I’d love to see your take on “consciousness”. I enjoy it here in the hermeneutic togetherness of the Symbiocene.🙏❤️
Consciousness ~ indeed an important word, thank you for picking this up. It's one of those 'huge' words carrying many meanings, depending on how it's used, on context + the mindset and belief system of the user.
On Symbiopædia so far I've touched on it in two previous wordcasts:
Consciousness is also essential to my work of Synchronosophy. In the chapters published so far, it is a central topic in Part 2, Chapter 10 "Experiencing Consciousness"
Language is powerful, and a very flexible form of power that can be put to use for good, or ill. No wonder that those who wish to lord it over others have comandeered language through many acts of verboklepsy. Combining it with suggestive images (as in 'the news') has long been a subtle influence in mass-media - dating back to pamphleteering ever since the printing press was invented.
You are at the vanguard of reclaiming not only stolen words themselves, but also the ability to have meaningful and sane conversations amongst ourselves. How often have I wanted to express something and then thought mid-sentence 'oh, I can't use that word any more ...'. because of its newly verboklepted status. Word warriors ... fight back. :)
Absolutely. We need words and words need us. We have the power to give them their identity, and they lend us the power of expressing ourselves (for better or worse)
Or as Don Miguel Ruiz reminds us: »Be impeccable with your word.«
So nice to meet Eigen⚘Leben and know she's on the job! I wanted to add to this conversation, if I may. I just started reading "On Dialogue" by quantum physicist David Bohm (published posthumously from his essays). He distinguishes between dialogue and discussion. He writes "Dialogue comes from the Greek dialogos. *Logos* means 'the word'...or 'the meaning of the word.' And *dia* means "through" - it doesn't mean 'two.' ... The picture or image that this derivation suggests is of *a stream of meaning* flowing among and through us and between us. [...] "Contrast this with the word discussion" which has the same root as 'percussion' and 'concussion.' It really means to break things up."
He goes on to write that discussions are win-lose situations, where dialogue is win-win.
Having discovered your words-work, Veronika, has been such a gift in paying more attention (& tribute) to words and their underlying origin and meaning. I'm one of the 'we' with you and the Word⚘Fairies, in this symbiocentric group.
Here's to this, as you say: "Collective activities like collaborating, communicating, connecting, cooperating etc. are essential to usher in this new era." xo
wonderful! Thank you Shelly, I love to have you join us in the wildwordwoods ⚘⚘⚘
And thank you for inviting David Bohm into our dialogue. I'm sure he is one of 'us' too.
D B: "What is needed is to learn afresh, to observe, and to discover for ourselves the meaning of wholeness."
D B: "Individuality is only possible if it unfolds from wholeness."
D B: "We are internally related to everything, not [just] externally related. Consciousness is an internal relationship to the whole, we take in the whole, and we act toward the whole. Whatever we have taken in determines basically what we are. Wholeness is a kind of attitude or approach to the whole of life. If we can have a coherent approach to reality then reality will respond coherently to us."
(Renee Weber "Dialogues with Scientists and Sages: The Search for Unity, 1986)
Ooh! Thank you for sharing those quotes. I love discovering Bohm's philosophical heart that informed his physicist brain. He's written about wholeness AND creativity, which I can't wait to explore further. "On Dialogue" is full of rootcasting. :) I agree he's one of 'us' too. :)
Fascinating Veronika! You are breathing life back into words, rooting them into their rightful place, and in doing so, is it weird that I too feel more rooted? This is powerful work.
Incidentally, while reading this I was reminded of a community in Italy that I lived in during my early twenties. Have you heard of Damanhur? The members always greeted one another with “Con te” (with you)instead of the usual “ciao.”Such a beautiful reminder of our interconnectedness.
Kimberly, your feedback is incredibly inspiring for me [inspirare = in + breathe] breathing life into my work. Lighting up a vision for its rightful place in our collective efforts to nurture the Symbiocene. Thank you so so much! No! It is not weird that you feel more rooted. This is priceless information.
If language/ words are our symbionts (as asserted by various European linguists in the 1950s), then it must also have an effect on us (the symbiophants of our language) when we take good care of them and protect their integrity.
I have heard of Damanhur. A while ago (about 20 years or so) I have visited the website, read articles about Damanhur and the founder etc. with a growing desire to visit this unique place. It wasn't the time or place for me then, and it dropped out of my inner movie, yet the fascination remained. I love that greeting. And that you actually lived there!! Discovering more interconnectedness with you is giving me goosebumps.
Such a soothing "rootcast," Veronika:"to nurture the process of togethering.".
Your role as a medium between words and the world is very much appreciated. As people who enjoy writing, we hope to nurture our outer world.
I am thinking about how reality shows us the amount of work we do inward and how, as a civilization Anthropocentrists, we end up using "Words with Stolen Identities." The outer world (words and actions) is a reflection of our inner reality.
Krishnamurti points out:
“What you are inwardly will eventually manifest itself outwardly. If you are inwardly violent, aggressive, ambitious, that will project itself in your relationships and in the society you build around you.”
Love this word fairy: Eigen⚘Leben. Thank you for all the magic!
You are putting your finger on a key point here. The relationship between the inner and the outer ~ I consider this the most important life's work anyone can do.
Thank you for this Krishnamurti quote, "If you are inwardly violent, aggressive, ambitious, that will project itself in your relationships and in the society you build around you.” ~ Of course the internal violence etc. won't protect us. It will project itself and PROTECT itself....
Based on this principle we are given access to our own inner world. That's where Eigen⚘Leben lives. She needs our love! Thank you, Katerina 🧚🏽 🙏🩵
(having just taken our last visitor of this season to the bus station, I'm finally off to reading your last post!!)
I completely agree: it's "the most important work anyone can do!" You’ve articulated it just right: “Of course, the internal violence, etc., won’t protect us. It will project itself and PROTECT itself…” Thank you for taking the time to read my work, yet I hope you make space for yourself to work/or just rest on your magic. My articles will be right where they are whenever you have the space and energy for them. 🧚🏽 🙏🩵
Thank you for the reminder of the Krishnamurti quote, Katerina. As someone for whom 70 years old is looming on the horizon, I can also say that one's inner world is also revealed, over time, via the lines one acquires on one's face - which can dark & grumpy, or light & smiley ... :)
Joshua, "one's inner world is also revealed, over time, via the lines one acquires on one's face"—another beautiful and human way to witness alchemization. Cultivating smiles and light is within our reach. Here’s to embracing every stage of our lives with joy, open hearts and even grumpy :)), all emotions are welcomed! Thank you for sharing!
I have enjoyed Krishnamurti's work for a long time. At first, I was a little resistant to his ideas, but over time, through my own experiences and growth, I began to understand what he was referring to.
Thank you for lining up in support :) (and for choosing to follow me). I have a couple of Krishnamurti books I dip into, and like you, some of his ideas make me baulk - but as with every writer/artist, you have to see each output in the context of their overall message, as well as their family heritage, and the era they lived in.
Wonderful word sleuthing Veronika.
It is amazing to see so many words and meanings hijacked in the Anthropocene. It’s not even the same language that we started with. “Confluence” is symbiogenesis. I’d love to see your take on “consciousness”. I enjoy it here in the hermeneutic togetherness of the Symbiocene.🙏❤️
Thank you Jamie 🧚🏽 🙏🩵
Consciousness ~ indeed an important word, thank you for picking this up. It's one of those 'huge' words carrying many meanings, depending on how it's used, on context + the mindset and belief system of the user.
On Symbiopædia so far I've touched on it in two previous wordcasts:
The Conscious Clan Part 1 ~
and the Conscious Clan Part 2 ~
Consciousness is also essential to my work of Synchronosophy. In the chapters published so far, it is a central topic in Part 2, Chapter 10 "Experiencing Consciousness"
I'm planning to expand on this soon in Part 4...
Language is powerful, and a very flexible form of power that can be put to use for good, or ill. No wonder that those who wish to lord it over others have comandeered language through many acts of verboklepsy. Combining it with suggestive images (as in 'the news') has long been a subtle influence in mass-media - dating back to pamphleteering ever since the printing press was invented.
You are at the vanguard of reclaiming not only stolen words themselves, but also the ability to have meaningful and sane conversations amongst ourselves. How often have I wanted to express something and then thought mid-sentence 'oh, I can't use that word any more ...'. because of its newly verboklepted status. Word warriors ... fight back. :)
Thank you! 💖🙏
Absolutely. We need words and words need us. We have the power to give them their identity, and they lend us the power of expressing ourselves (for better or worse)
Or as Don Miguel Ruiz reminds us: »Be impeccable with your word.«
So nice to meet Eigen⚘Leben and know she's on the job! I wanted to add to this conversation, if I may. I just started reading "On Dialogue" by quantum physicist David Bohm (published posthumously from his essays). He distinguishes between dialogue and discussion. He writes "Dialogue comes from the Greek dialogos. *Logos* means 'the word'...or 'the meaning of the word.' And *dia* means "through" - it doesn't mean 'two.' ... The picture or image that this derivation suggests is of *a stream of meaning* flowing among and through us and between us. [...] "Contrast this with the word discussion" which has the same root as 'percussion' and 'concussion.' It really means to break things up."
He goes on to write that discussions are win-lose situations, where dialogue is win-win.
Having discovered your words-work, Veronika, has been such a gift in paying more attention (& tribute) to words and their underlying origin and meaning. I'm one of the 'we' with you and the Word⚘Fairies, in this symbiocentric group.
Here's to this, as you say: "Collective activities like collaborating, communicating, connecting, cooperating etc. are essential to usher in this new era." xo
wonderful! Thank you Shelly, I love to have you join us in the wildwordwoods ⚘⚘⚘
And thank you for inviting David Bohm into our dialogue. I'm sure he is one of 'us' too.
D B: "What is needed is to learn afresh, to observe, and to discover for ourselves the meaning of wholeness."
D B: "Individuality is only possible if it unfolds from wholeness."
D B: "We are internally related to everything, not [just] externally related. Consciousness is an internal relationship to the whole, we take in the whole, and we act toward the whole. Whatever we have taken in determines basically what we are. Wholeness is a kind of attitude or approach to the whole of life. If we can have a coherent approach to reality then reality will respond coherently to us."
(Renee Weber "Dialogues with Scientists and Sages: The Search for Unity, 1986)
Ooh! Thank you for sharing those quotes. I love discovering Bohm's philosophical heart that informed his physicist brain. He's written about wholeness AND creativity, which I can't wait to explore further. "On Dialogue" is full of rootcasting. :) I agree he's one of 'us' too. :)
So good to meet other people who are already in the Symbiocene.
Thank you Glenn, for coining the word! How lovely to meet you here. Happy New Symbiocentric Year.
At the rate words keep changing meaning, we'll soon de-evolve back to grunts and butt scratches. 😅
just look at one of the American candidates for president (and other so-called 'leaders of the polites') You might not be that far off...
Oh? You don't enjoy a good word salad now and again with your Leader of the Free World? 😆
Togethering 🙏💜.
Fascinating Veronika! You are breathing life back into words, rooting them into their rightful place, and in doing so, is it weird that I too feel more rooted? This is powerful work.
Incidentally, while reading this I was reminded of a community in Italy that I lived in during my early twenties. Have you heard of Damanhur? The members always greeted one another with “Con te” (with you)instead of the usual “ciao.”Such a beautiful reminder of our interconnectedness.
Kimberly, your feedback is incredibly inspiring for me [inspirare = in + breathe] breathing life into my work. Lighting up a vision for its rightful place in our collective efforts to nurture the Symbiocene. Thank you so so much! No! It is not weird that you feel more rooted. This is priceless information.
If language/ words are our symbionts (as asserted by various European linguists in the 1950s), then it must also have an effect on us (the symbiophants of our language) when we take good care of them and protect their integrity.
I have heard of Damanhur. A while ago (about 20 years or so) I have visited the website, read articles about Damanhur and the founder etc. with a growing desire to visit this unique place. It wasn't the time or place for me then, and it dropped out of my inner movie, yet the fascination remained. I love that greeting. And that you actually lived there!! Discovering more interconnectedness with you is giving me goosebumps.
Thank you for restacking Geraldine A. V. Hughes 🧚🏽 🙏🩵