Fantastic overview here! I love looking at the picture of the homunculus that shows the nerve representation to our fingers. It shows what we would look like based on nerve representation.

So there’s definitely something going on in those fingers!


As a body worker myself, I certainly understand how important that autonomic nervous system is with regulation, post trauma, and I’m understanding that polyvagal theory more and more. Thanks so much for this.

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Apr 5Liked by Veronika Bond

This makes me so happy. Even the other, while listening to a podcast about the future of neuron-technology, they discussed how the process of writing might someday simply happen through sophisticated tech that "reads" our thoughts. This feels so wrong to me... I've often said that in my own writing process, my fingertips are doing the thinking. I often have no clue what I'm about to write until the tap, tap, tap starts to happen and my fingers reveal. If that process is bypassed, I worry that human creativity will lose something sensual, sentient and well... symbiotic.

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INCREDIBLE work! Thank you

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Great article - and given the interesting and important role of finger-tips in the nerve-system, I now have a greater incentive to practice my piano-playing :)

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